Growing up, my dad always smoked cigarettes. At least 2 daily packs of either Camel Lights or Ultra Lights, depending, I suppose, on what level of tar he was feelin’ that day. I went to school every day wearing clothes completely reaking of smoke, and, suffice it to say, the other kids noticed. I was so embarassed by it that I swore that I would NEVER touch a cigarette as long as I lived.
Well, high school hit, and somewhere between classes and social pressures, my previous resolutions went right out the window. At age 14, I took my first drag and thus began a 7-year long addiction. Why did I decide to smoke that first cigarette? Who knows. I’m sure there are a lot of things feeding into at the time, including my young stupidity, but if you are a proponent of determinism, as I am, then you also know that it couldn’t have been any other way.
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| Tags: Addiction, Anxiety, Smoking Cessation |Labels: Addiction, Anxiety, Smoking Cessation